One of my New Years resolutions is Proverbs 31:27.
She looks well to the ways of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Oooh, ouch. Now, I know I should be striving to be all of
Proverbs 31:10-31, and I am. But, the whole
does not eat the bread of idleness is really what I am striving towards this year.
Its so hard though. With the internet, (um, hello Facebook) and all the other things that can take up your time its hard not to be partaking in the bread of idleness. Can I get an Amen?!
For me, at least, it's a daily partaking. As much as I like to believe I get a lot done I still waste time on stupid stuff. *cough cough Facebook*. Or, this was a huge thing for me a few years ago, what about message boards, like Babycenter, for instance. We gave the TV the boot and have just replaced the idleness with other things.
If I truly am convicted and believe my calling and mission in life is as a wife and mother, raising little people for the Kingdom of Heaven, then am I doing things daily to further my success in this calling? I can pretty much guarantee Facebook does not further that calling. Although...I might be able to find some good 'groups' that would allow me to beg to differ with that last statement ;) har har.
Seriously though, 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us-
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
and how about Colossians 3:23-
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
This year I really want to analyze everything I do in this daily job as wife and mom.
Am I eating the bread of idleness?
Is everything I'm doing bringing glory to God?
Am I working heartily as unto the Lord?
And what about doing all things without grumbling and complaining like
Philippians 2:14-16 tells us to do. (On a side note; that is our family verse) My sweet friend Marie made a good statement to me once. She said it's not just doing our job as a wife and mother it's doing it with JOY! Now, I just can't get that out of my head. Thanks, Marie!
So, all in all, this is where I'm at right now.
With all that said now I can share with you what I made today! I'm really excited about this accomplishment. Yesterday I gave the recipe for the No Need to Knead Bread but I didn't mention the fact that I had never made it before. Ha! I trusted my friend Brandee's word and suggestion and passed it on :) I really did plan on making them though. And today I did it! And they turned out!!!!! *Hallelujah chorus* I also made the dough into a batch of homemade, made from scratch cinnamon rolls. YUM!
Here is Audrey helping me spread sugar over the dough. (I know, I know, she really should have clothes on but we took them off for our messy BBQ chicken lunch and never put them back on. And then Derek took these pics)
And here are the finished product. Hey! Don't laugh because they're ugly! They taste REALLY yummy!
Obviously, I need to perfect my rolling and cutting method of the cinnamon rolls. ;) I didn't have any string to cut them with, like the recipe says to do. So, I used a butter knife. It did fine, they just don't look pretty.
So, in conclusion of this long winded post, today I kept up with my New Years Resolution and have not eaten the bread of idleness! And it feels great!!! Now I feel like I can give the boot to our Pillsbury Cressant roll addiction and be more than happy with homemade rolls!